Nowadays, businesses are constantly running a marathon trying to keep up with efficiency and smart decision-making. Enter AI Builder, a powerful feature within Microsoft’s Power Platform that democratizes artificial intelligence (AI) and makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. In this article, we’ll explore what AI Builder is, how it works, and the transformative benefits it offers to businesses of all sizes. 

What is AI Builder? 

AI Builder is a low-code AI capability that enables users to add AI functionality to their applications and workflows without needing deep data science or programming skills. It’s integrated seamlessly into the Power Platform, allowing users to create and train AI models, and then deploy them within Power Apps, Power Automate, and beyond. 

Key Features of AI Builder 

AI Builder provides a range of pre-built and customizable AI models designed to handle common business scenarios: 

  1. Prediction Models
  • Purpose: Forecast outcomes based on historical data. 
  • Use Cases: Sales forecasting, predicting customer churn, inventory management. 
  1. Form Processing
  • Purpose: Extract information from structured documents. 
  • Use Cases: Processing invoices, purchase orders, and forms. 
  1. Object Detection
  • Purpose: Identify and count objects in images. 
  • Use Cases: Inventory tracking, quality control in manufacturing. 
  1. Text Classification
  • Purpose: Categorize text data automatically. 
  • Use Cases: Sorting emails, classifying support tickets. 
  1. Entity Extraction
  • Purpose: Identify and extract specific data from text. 
  • Use Cases: Extracting customer names, dates, and locations from emails or documents. 
  1. Sentiment Analysis
  • Purpose: Determine the sentiment behind text data. 
  • Use Cases: Analyzing customer feedback, social media monitoring. 

How AI Builder Works 

AI Builder simplifies the AI model creation process into a few easy steps: 

  1. Select a Model Type: Choose from pre-built models or customize one based on your specific needs. 
  1. Prepare Your Data: Upload your data, and AI Builder will guide you on how to clean and prepare it for training. 
  1. Train the Model: AI Builder uses your data to train the model. This step involves running algorithms to learn from the data patterns. 
  1. Evaluate and Improve: Once trained, evaluate your model’s performance. If necessary, refine it by adjusting parameters or providing more data. 
  1. Deploy and Use: Deploy the trained model within your Power Apps, Power Automate workflows, or other Power Platform services to start leveraging AI insights and automation. 

Real-World Applications of AI Builder 

AI Builder offers a multitude of applications across various industries, transforming everyday business processes and driving efficiency. Let’s dive deeper into some specific real-world scenarios where AI-Powered Microsoft tool can make a significant impact. 


Inventory Management

  • Challenge: Retailers often struggle with maintaining optimal inventory levels, leading to either stockouts or overstock situations. 
  • Solution: AI Builder’s prediction models can analyze historical sales data, seasonal trends, and promotional impacts to forecast future demand. This helps retailers maintain the right stock levels, reducing both excess inventory and stockouts. 

Customer Experience: 

  • Challenge: Providing personalized customer service is critical for retaining customers. 
  • Solution: Using AI Builder’s text classification and sentiment analysis, retailers can categorize and prioritize customer inquiries based on sentiment. This ensures that unhappy customers are promptly attended to, enhancing overall customer satisfaction. 


Patient Data Processing: 

  • Challenge: Healthcare providers handle a vast amount of paperwork, from patient intake forms to insurance claims, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. 
  • Solution: AI Builder’s form processing capabilities can automate the extraction of patient information from forms. This reduces manual data entry, decreases errors, and speeds up administrative processes, allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care. 

Predictive Analytics: 

  • Challenge: Identifying at-risk patients early can significantly improve treatment outcomes. 
  • Solution: By leveraging AI Builder’s prediction models, healthcare providers can analyze patient data to predict potential health risks. For example, predicting the likelihood of hospital readmissions or the onset of chronic diseases, enabling timely interventions. 


Quality Control: 

  • Challenge: Ensuring product quality can be labor-intensive and subject to human error. 
  • Solution: AI Builder’s object detection model can be used to automate quality inspections. By analyzing images of products, it can identify defects or inconsistencies, ensuring only high-quality products reach customers and reducing the cost of returns and rework. 

Maintenance Management: 

  • Challenge: Unplanned equipment failures can lead to costly downtime. 
  • Solution: Predictive maintenance powered by AI Builder’s models can forecast when equipment is likely to fail based on historical maintenance data and operational patterns. This allows manufacturers to schedule maintenance proactively, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of machinery. 

Customer Service 

Support Ticket Classification: 

  • Challenge: Manually sorting and prioritizing support tickets is time-consuming and can delay response times. 
  • Solution: AI Builder’s text classification can automatically categorize support tickets based on their content and urgency. Combined with sentiment analysis, it can prioritize tickets from distressed customers, ensuring quick resolution of critical issues and improving overall customer satisfaction. 

Virtual Assistants: 

  • Challenge: Providing 24/7 customer support is challenging and expensive. 
  • Solution: AI Builder integrated with Power Virtual Agents can create intelligent chatbots that handle common customer inquiries around the clock. These bots can use natural language processing to understand and respond to customer questions, reducing the load on human agents and providing instant support to customers. 


Invoice Processing: 

  • Challenge: Processing invoices manually is time-consuming and susceptible to errors. 
  • Solution: AI Builder’s form processing can automate the extraction of key information from invoices, such as amounts, dates, and vendor details. This streamlines the accounts payable process, reduces errors, and speeds up payment cycles. 

Fraud Detection: 

  • Challenge: Detecting fraudulent transactions quickly is critical to minimizing financial losses. 
  • Solution: AI Builder’s prediction models can analyze transaction data in real-time to identify patterns indicative of fraud. This enables financial institutions to flag suspicious activities promptly and take necessary actions to prevent fraud. 

Benefits of Using AI Builder 

  1. Accessibility: With AI Builder’s low-code approach, AI becomes accessible to users with little to no coding experience, democratizing the technology. 
  1. Efficiency: Automating routine tasks frees up time for employees to focus on more strategic initiatives, increasing overall productivity. 
  1. Accuracy: AI models can process and analyze data with high precision, reducing errors and improving decision-making. 
  1. Scalability: AI Builder’s integration with the Power Platform allows solutions to scale effortlessly as business needs grow. 
  1. Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing the need for specialized data science skills, AI Builder lowers the cost barrier to implementing AI solutions. 

By making AI accessible and easy to use, it empowers organizations to innovate and improve efficiency across their operations. Whether you’re looking to predict customer behavior, automate tedious tasks, or gain deeper insights into your data, AI Builder has the tools to help you succeed. 

So why wait? Contact our experts at Prodware to start exploring the potential of Microsoft Power Platform and AI Builder. Discover how this AI-powered tool can transform your business with AI-assisted capabilities like process mining, data analysis, intelligent apps, and more. Leverage prebuilt language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Copilot to embed intelligence into your Power Platform solutions. Build AI-powered apps, automate processes, create interactive Power BI reports, and even build websites with Power Pages.