With the swift acceleration of digital transformation, cybersecurity issues have become inescapable for businesses of all kinds. Cyber threats are forcing Information Systems Departments (ISDs) to continually rethink and upgrade their protection systems to keep pace with the evolving landscape of risks. No sector is immune to cyber-attacks; hackers indiscriminately target companies of all sizes and industries. The global shift to widespread teleworking, spurred by the health crisis, has further increased corporate vulnerability to cyber threats, including phishing attempts and ransomware. 

People often represent the weakest link in any cybersecurity policy. To address this, companies are increasingly investing in cybersecurity awareness campaigns to train their employees. These campaigns help review risky behaviors, such as sharing personal passwords with others, even those who appear to be colleagues, or opening attachments from suspicious emails. Since human errors create significant vulnerabilities in corporate IT systems, they present prime opportunities for hackers. Minimizing these risks by raising employee awareness is crucial. Implementing comprehensive learning and training programs for all employees is one of the most effective strategies for enhancing collective cybersecurity awareness. 

How Can Cybersecurity Awareness Help Build a Corporate Cyberculture? 

The digital security measures implemented to protect employee devices are no longer sufficient on their own. Employees must now be actively involved in cybersecurity efforts. Raising employee awareness involves equipping them with the knowledge and information necessary to protect the business and its sensitive data. This not only enhances overall security but also reinforces compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Since its enactment in 2018, the GDPR has imposed stringent standards on companies to safeguard users’ personal data. Although these regulations can be demanding, they have driven companies to focus more on securing their data, thereby heightening their overall cybersecurity awareness. 

IT security awareness must be embedded in a company’s long-term cyberculture. The stronger the cyberculture among employees, the more vigilant they will be against cyber threats. A robust cyberculture is the foundation of any effective cybersecurity 

awareness campaign, promoting consistent security practices and making employees key participants in data protection and information systems security efforts. 

To address this need, we have partnered with Knowbe4 to offer a comprehensive training platform that tests your users’ reflexes and your network’s resilience with advanced IT security tools. This platform helps you identify and mitigate issues like social engineering, spear phishing, and ransomware attacks. 

What are the 5 Commandments of an Effective Corporate Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign? 

To increase employee awareness of cybersecurity, companies need to establish a solid security culture guided by five core principles: 

1. Make cybersecurity accessible to everyone. Contrary to common belief, cybersecurity extends beyond senior executives or technical teams like IT Directors—it affects every employee. Those who receive training support will have the tools and resources to enhance their cybersecurity skills effectively. 

2. Offer cybersecurity training programs based on practical, hands-on exercises. This empowers employees to recognize upcoming cyber threats and safeguard themselves from potential attacks. With best practices ingrained from training, they will skillfully navigate responses across different scenarios. You can structure these training programs in different ways, including: 

  • Video tutorials followed by a series of questions 
  • Interactive modules and simulation tools for replicating attacks, paired with real-world testing scenarios 
  • Games 
  • Surveys 

A security evaluation is the most effective way to measure users’ knowledge and, consequently, their proficiency in cybersecurity. 

3. Encourage employees to report IT security incidents. In case of a suspected or actual cyber-attack, users should immediately report the incident to the IT department. The department has already established the company’s prevention and response plan, which includes prioritizing critical assets and swiftly implementing necessary protection measures based on the specific risks involved. 

4. Draw up an internal security policy, to be communicated at meetings or by e-mail. This internal security policy can also be posted, like a manifesto or guide, in strategic places where employees are accustomed to circulating (corridors, reception, etc.). The aim is to make as many people as possible aware of cybersecurity issues. 

5. Show that cybersecurity awareness is treated with the same degree of importance as other major corporate issues. No distinction should be made, and information security should be approached with the same degree of involvement and responsibility as any other risk facing an organization. 

When Cybersecurity Becomes an Opportunity 

Companies should see cybersecurity initiatives as an opportunity, not as a constraint. Correctly implemented, they secure the company while communicating positive messages to employees, customers and partners. 

Cyber-awareness fosters critical habits among employees, benefiting their professional roles and personal lives alike. Beyond safeguarding information systems, it promotes a culture of responsibility and unity that enhances the entire organization. Cybersecurity also serves as a key differentiator. Just as ethical handling of personal data boosts a company’s brand image, a robust and transparent cybersecurity approach strengthens its market position and builds trust with customers and partners. 

Cybersecurity awareness empowers employees with the skills to defend against widespread threats, fostering responsibility, autonomy, and proactive engagement. By integrating the human factor as a valuable asset in the cybersecurity strategy, cybersecurity awareness turns individuals into proactive contributors rather than potential liabilities. Effective collaboration with experienced partners is crucial for combating cybercrime effectively and reducing its impact. 

Building a corporate culture based on massive awareness of the importance of cybersecurity awareness is therefore a priority at all levels. The benefits of raising cybersecurity awareness through training are threefold: increasing your level of IT security, raising the skills of your teams, and developing a cyberculture within your company. The more solid the cyberculture, the further your company will be from IT threats and attacks. Democratizing cybersecurity among all your employees, through awareness-raising campaigns, will enable them to achieve a high degree of digital maturity. In the long term, this will help them to remember the best practices to adopt when faced with a risky situation. 

Discover Prodware’s comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to empower your team to protect against cyber threats. 

To find out more about cybersecurity training for employees: